Monday, January 7, 2008

6 weeks old and looking for the party

Our little fella is now 6 weeks old and he does not like to miss out on anything. Which means that he does not like to sleep during the day. We are lucky so far that he will sleep at night but he wants nothing to do with sleeping during daylight hours. (Which is why I am so behind in all my emails, photos and this blog.) He will sleep if we go for a walk or a drive. This is not so much fun during an Alberta winter. I am starting my new mom's group this week and I hope that I can get some tips from other mom's. He may not think that a nap is necessary but I do.

Kai is changing everyday. He has started to smile and will "talk" to us when we are playing with him. He is not a fan of tummy time but enjoys looking at the baby in the mirror. He has also become a very hungry hippo. It seems like we are constantly feeding him. It is amazing to see how much my son changes and develops with each passing day. I will admit that he has stolen my heart. And his daddy's too.


Anonymous said...

Happy you are all well!


Anonymous said...

I got bad news for you, some kids apparently don't need to take a nap during the day, an example would be Mattias. He could stay up from 8 am to 8 pm, the good news was that he wouldn't get cranky though. Now he is better, but still not a big napper. He also loves to sleep in the car.

He is adorable, hope to see him this summer. Love, the Doreys

Anonymous said...

People should read this.