Wednesday, October 31, 2007

38 weeks and the swelling continues

The count down is on. I am currently 38 weeks and swelling up like a balloon. Everyone keeps telling me that my hands and feet will return to their normal shape, but I have my doubts. During my morning chats with the baby in the belly I have expressed my desire for him to come out now. We are all ready for him. Simon would like Kai to make his appearance on a weekend so that he can have a whole week off work. I am not sure, but I think Simon figures there will be some prime sleeping in during that week. As far as the doctor is concerned, Kai is doing well and will come whenever he is ready. There is no indication as to when, so it could be any day now to any week now. We are trying to be patient.


Anonymous said...

thems are some good lookin feet!

they dont look swollen to me at all... and i am on the other side of the world!

uncle shaun

Kristi said...

I feel your pain with those feet! The advice is true, it feels like they will never be normal again, but they will and then you can shop shop shop for new shoes!! Hee, hee. Can I go with you? Won't the boys love that! ha!